Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sunday Snapshot

For my Sunday Snapshots I look for  pictures I like, 
but which I haven't posted before.

These are from a road-trip in October last year -
a keen dogwalker doesn't let a brisk, cold westerly wind stop her:

 And the kitesurfer makes the most of it...

New Plymouth beach, Taranaki.
(click to enlarge)


  1. Oh wow. It does looks brisk - but it also looks simply beautiful. Thank you. Lots.

  2. oh beautiful beach shots!! it looks like you took that first picture from up above...a cliff? a dune?

  3. Wow, that kite surfing looks like fun.

    That's a good idea, I've got a bunch of photos not being used (yet)...I took over 1,100 in July alone.

    (And now my Canon G12 is on the fritz...the LCD display is a dark blue screen since about 12 hours after I was taking some rainy day pics the other day.)


It's great when you leave a note!