Friday, April 17, 2020

This morning's walk

A walk in the park...

This morning Manu and I walked through town to Gilmour Lake. It was quite warm for the time of year, as we are well and truly into Autumn now, with snowfalls being recorded in the South Island. I'm glad I went when I did, as it is absolutely pouring with rain now.


  1. It is lovely to see a post from you.!!!
    Love the arboreal fireworks on display.
    We are warm too - with no rain in sight. While I always welcome rain it is probably just as well. An obscenely big bulb order was delivered this morning.

  2. Ooooh bulbs! I looked through the catalogue which arrived recently, but decided against ordering anything, as I have plans to pull out several over-large shrubs once they lose their leaves, and do some re-organisation of my (small) garden areas. I shall just have to rely on your photos.

  3. The park looks gorgeous! I can almost smell the breeze.

  4. It was lovely, John - not a single breath of wind.


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