Saturday, May 31, 2014

Another Golden Tree

Last week, I posted about a golden tree sculpture for Thematic Photographic's Trees and Branches theme.

Today, June 1st, is the first day of winter in this part of the world. 
I went to school to write student reports, and saw this Ginkgo absolutely glowing in the low sun:

Gilded sculpture or Ginkgo?

Real tree wins, hands down!


  1. Absolutely beautiful. This is such a magical time of year. And yes, the real tree is indeed the winner. By a long way.

  2. Stunning gold. Here, it's hitting the mid 80s and humid.

  3. I agree - what a beut tree.

    1. Fantastic, eh? This morning, 6 days later, the leaves had all dropped off and were a golden carpet on the ground. I planned to take a photo but by the time I returned to do so, the groundsman had come along with his leaf vacuum-thingy and they were gone. Pffft! The transience of existence, etc etc.....

  4. Beautiful and stunning, especially when up against the gorgeous, clear blue sky!

    1. Now it is bare... But I have the picture to remind me of how beautiful it was :)


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