Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thematic Photographic: Multiples

Where to find some multiples that I haven't posted before?

About two weeks before Christmas I was at a mall in the late afternoon, just before closing time. There weren't many people about, but I can see quite a few multiples in the shots I took. See more at Carmi's Written.Inc.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. I thought they looked weird with the lights on and the sun shining. Waste of power!

  2. I liked the bubble lights, but I loved the hats. I always try hats on as I go past in the hope that somewhere, someday I will find one that suits me. I love them, and they loathe me.

    1. Oh I have the same problem! I have never found a hat which suits me :(

  3. I just hate shopping malls but can't fault your multiples.

    1. I hate them too, Bob. Especially near Christmas!
      Thank you.

  4. Thanks for the best shopping trip ever, and I didn't have to spend a penny! It would please me quite a bit to have one each of all those hats in a row! hehehehe!

    1. Haha! It was the hats I thought of when I first saw the Multiples theme!

  5. I got a laugh out of the hats all in a row. Great set of pictures, the little "cars" with their flags are cool too.

  6. SO many choices! so many multiples!
    nice christmas-y shots...even though they were in a mall! better you than me. ha! i don't like going into those malls. at least it doesn't seem so crowded at the end of the day!

    you're right about the waste of power...it looks so sunny & with all those lights on!!?


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